HR QUOTE OF THE DAY(06-12-2011)-AVS's Desk.

Get the right people on the bus and in the right seat.
Jim Collins
Interesting one AVS
Here's my contri to your list
It is better to keep one's mouth shut, and be thought a fool, than to open it and resolve all doubt.
I would like to know about arbitration and your experiences either as arbitrator or a party (Participant)
Jim Collins had originally said "Get the right people on the bus and the wrong people off the bus" It is a good thing that this is a more specific quote as one has to be in the right role as all round excellence is rare. Jim Collins should have also said something about the wrong people finding their right bus- some people can take a lifetime doing this and they may get so exhausted in the process that they would not be too bothered about the right seat.
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