Vacancies In Insurance Sector - Doc Download

Vacancies in Insurance Sector in Life Insure Care Pvt. Ltd. provides placement all over india and also Franchisee .

There are a lot number of vacancies and the details are as below which is the best in the industry and no one offers this much package :

Package for

Area Manager
Business Manager
Business Development Manager
Insurance Representatives

Salary Structure & other benefits provided :

  • Salary & Incentives as mentioned above and Increment as per performance.
  • LTC for the individual (one year of minimum service)
  • Government holidays applicable (depending upon working pattern)
  • Insurance Cover - BM & above - 50 lakhs (on completion of minimum of 3 months service)
BDM - 35 lakhs (on completion of minimum of 3 months service)
IRs – 10.5 lakhs (on completion of minimum of 3 months service)
  • PF/ESI and other benefits as applicable to Government Servants
  • Housing Allowance (applicable for employees having one year of minimum service)
  • TA & other facilities will be applicable after minimum one year of service.

Area Manager
Branch Manager
Sr Marketing Officer
Marketing Officer
Marketing Manager

Salary Structure & other benefits provided :

  • Salary & Incentives as mentioned above and Increment as per performance.
  • LTC for the individual (one year of minimum service)
  • Government holidays applicable (depending upon working pattern)
  • Insurance Cover - BM & above - 50 lakhs (minimum of 3 months service)
BDM - 35 lakhs (on completion of minimum of 3 months service)
IRs – 10.5 lakhs (on completion of minimum of 3 months service)
  • PF/ESI and other benefits as applicable to Government Servants
  • Housing Allowance (applicable for employees having one year of minimum service)
TA & other facilities will be applicable after minimum one year of service.

Interested to send their Resumes/CV to [Login to view] or contact on tele 0 9720 3938 34 or 0 9319 6600 42
i m sending u my resume.pls find it.
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