Happy Birthday Chitra In Advance (20 Sept)

Dear Chitra ,
Here’s wishing you on Your Special Day from all of us as a part of CITEHR family, another new beginning to many more happy moments in your life!

We wish you very best.
Happy Birthday to you in Advance !
happy birthday to you
happy birthday to you
happy birthday dear.... Chitraaaaaaaa
happy birthday to you

many greetings to you
many greetings to you
many greetings to dear.... Chittuuuuuuu
many greetings to you
happy long life to you
happy long life to you
happy long life dear.......... Sweet chittttttttttt
happy long life to you
may god bless you dear
may god bless you dear
may god bless you dear.....friendddddddd
may god bless you dear...

:-D:-D:-D:-D CAKE PLEASE :-D:-D:-D:-D
Hi Chitrasuchi
I would like to wish u a very Happy B,day.I read ur postings and would also say that they are wonderful.Thanks for sharing them.
Hey Hima..
Was out of time on a special assignment... so was not able to join you friends...:( :(

Chitra... Welcome...:icon1: was not bunking classes yaar... it was just a vacation I enjoyed without pre-sanction of you friends.... Sorry... will not do it again... :)

But found no missing msg. too:huh: :huh:... so may do it again...:icon6: :icon6:
Okies.. Next time dare U take such a long leave without getting our friend's permission!!
Regarding the missing msg Manoj ........... We did not post coz ............. We were just checking if ur attention & concentration is intact after ur vacation. Good boy...it's the same!!!!!!!!!!!!!:icon6::icon6::icon6::icon6::icon 6:
Wah.. wah.. What a logic... Cheking attention and concentration..:icon6: :icon6:... after joining a long time... I'll definitly find it hard to concentrate... but trying to put more attention...
We have right to get angry and scold to only those persons who we feel r close to us............hai na MasterJi... :) :)
Oh Sorry..mali..............I loved it...thanks for the gift...........
Actually i was keeping watch on the cake............ trying to save it frm Hima.......:wink::wink:
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