Mr And Ms ............... - Jpg Download

Dear Friends,
Really feel sorry to read this all. Guys should understand thier limit and to behave accordingly. Why the lovely atmosphere of the forum is ruined like this............:(
yes nithya,she is sweet friend of us....and I am sorry it all was happened coz of I am really it was not intensionally..and chitra u should belive in ur friends.,..we are not like that......hope u will be here and enjoy with our company...i am sorry again dear......................

Abhi... There are lot of threads created by our Bips... He is adding spice to this forum and we all have met here because of that. Having fun is nothing wrong. But when it comes to Women.. there is limit na ??? I Do not want to advice you.. Pls ensure this does not repeat....
Chit and Mallu Pls Forgive and forget dear. They have realised their mistake. So we must forgive them na ?????
Hope all of us will have great fun.
Binzz Mind ur Language when u speak with women. It started from you. Think twice before u throw words.
i m writin this regarding nithya's post
Binzz Mind ur Language when u speak with women. It started from you. Think twice before u throw words.
hey u go thr the entire conversation, then only u know who made that mistake,
when i saw that post i enter MR Romantic not Ms Romantic (go thr the post),after i enter it only na i saw cithra's post, after my post i think abhi or RJ put that binz post it for Chitra, i replied itz 4 u RJ nt 4 chitra
whether u go thr all thes things???? then why u use such wordings against me, im the person who start the problems there ??? i want a reply ,
no deepika im not such person today only i saw that post by nithya u go thr it and tell whoz the problem maker is it me u tell
as ladies im respectin u all but is it a license to hurt the guys na??? i don't understand
ill leave it then ther is a limit na ??????????????
any way chitra if it my mistake sorry regarding it plz forgive me kk
Chill every one plz.......
Leave the topic no more discussion on this topic plz 4 sake....Lky this more and more arguments on dis , so its better to leave it here only...
Forgive each other and be good frens once again... all plz be nice to each other as b4...
Yes.. I Have read the whole thing..... I Do not want to give explanation to Binzz.. But to my other friends,,
How can u use a word ROMANTIC ?? Againest a women ???
It u who started it... I Can say this not once for the rest of my life....
Yes Deepika , Iam not fighting dear.. Just saying who is reason that ss it.
Now i do not want to give more explanation on this... except to my friends...
Forced to give a reply since my name is mentioned...
My reply : No comments!!
I never pointed out any NAMES here.. made a GENERAL statement. Since I knew.. pointing out at anyone here will only make them defend themselves, thus prolonging the Topic, leave aside fighting, even discussing will only make it more delicate for my dear Friend!!!
Request : Friends, Kindly stop this and close the thread!!
@ Nithya BINZ and everyone.....
I did all those things...ok so dont blame on anyone...I did Intensionally....and may be it can be repeated in future so beware and keep distance with me.......this is for your information .......
HIMA is Ms. Sincere and Ms.Sweety
Guys pls stop fighting............nd leave this topic.............. I don't know why we create issues on that............... Chill out everyone.........:):):):)
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