Ocean of E-books - Lets share and multiply our knowledgebase

Dear members, If the books are classified into categories such as HR, LEISURE, LEGAL, EDUCATION, EXAM RELATED, etc., it would be of immense help to the users. I have downloaded the files and saved them as per the above categories. Since this post is growing day-by-day, i hope by classification according to categories will surely help us to search and store them. Thanks to all the contributors who have spared their valuable time and efforts to share the books.
here goes one more drop of water in the sea....
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Find one more attachment....
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Ramya Madhusudan
Hi friends,
Can someone tell me few exercises that can create excitment in an organisation, which will involve everybody to participate. Basic aim is to create excitment, fun at workplace. And also few games for birthday parties in offices?
Thanks in advance.
Hello All, I am so happy that every one of us are so excited in knowledge sharing!!!I have shared two books already but want to share more....
I will come with more books shortly!!!
HR Prop
THanks so much friends..................
for all your support to make this post so so useful to each other.................
Together we grow...........
Keep up the good work.......!!!
I am posting an excellent book "Roadmap to Strategic HR Turning a Great Idea into a Business Reality":-P

HR Prop
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Dear friends,
Sincerely I thank everyone for sharing and specially to HR Prop for taking the initiative.
This will keep me busy going through the contents for quite a lot of time.
thanks again.
Hi All, PFA a book named "7 little known success secrets of the rich and famous"
Its short and its nice.
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Hello All, I am posting one more ebook which is important for everyone of us in our professional/personal lives....
i hope all of you would enjoy reading this as much as i did!!!
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Hi Rakesh & all the readers,
Have added Body language ppt, hope you all like it
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