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Dear All,

Email Etiquette for official mails:

The below mentioned points have to be considered while putting official mails.

Here are some points on Email Etiquettes that will definitely help.

1) The font of mail should be Verdana and font size should be 9.5 or 10.

2) The mail should have a Pyramid Structure i.e. it should contain:

* Situation: What's the current situation is?

* Action items: What you expect from the reader of the mail to-do.

* Information: The information you want to give to the reader

* Conclusion: Conclude with a Thank You.

3) For writing use only Black or Blue color. For highlighting purpose make the word bold. Avoid using Red color as Red signifies danger, so use it when urgent.

4) For greetings in mail:

* For Americans: use Hi

* For Europeans: use Hello

* For Asians: use Dear

To be more formal we could use Dear Mr. /Ms. followed by Last name or Full name. We should not use Dear Mr. /Ms. followed by First name alone.

5) We should not put '/' in greetings like Hi X/Y. Instead we should say Hi X and Y.

6) We should not use 'Thanks and Regards'. Instead we should say:

Thank you


7) For requesting something we should not use can, instead we should use could.

8) We should not write 'Please find the attached file' because the reader does not have to find or search for the file in the mail it's already there. So instead we should write 'The file has been attached for your reference'.

9) We should not use sentences like 'As per your mail' because 'per' is used only with units like per Kg etc. Instead we should write 'According to your mail'.

10) We should use parallel structure. Parallelism enables readers to read documents more efficiently. For e.g. The analysis will include planning, organizing, dividing and assessment (Instead assessment we should write Assessing) of turnaround functions.

11) In our mails we often write 'Please revert back'. Instead we should only write 'Please revert'.

12) For the Signature in mail, if we are sending to people in our company only then we should not write our company name in the signature because they already know that we are part of the same company but if we are sending mail to an external party like client etc then we should write our company name in the signature because there we have to brand our company name in front of others.



From India, Madras
Dear You have given us very valuable information. Thank you for sharing with us. keep sharing such useful information with us. Thanks once again. Regards, sai prasad
From India, Hyderabad
Thanks Gops. I agreed except one point “The font of mail should be Verdana and font size should be 9.5 or 10.” Why not Arial or Times New Roman? Regards, Manoj
From India, Madras
Dear All,
Iam new to recruitment field and just joined one company and i have to arrange one teaming activity for my employee and there are 80 employees in the company. Please somebody help me as it is very urgent.
Sudipta Ghosh

From India, Lucknow
ya , I do agree with this...Nice info.... Infact long time back I have posted an presentation on the same..... Posting it again..might help the readers of this post......... Regards Shweta
From India, Coimbatore
Attached Files (Download Requires Membership)
File Type: pps 10 Commandments - for effective eMail Communication.pps (578.5 KB, 2701 views)

Good info.......but most of the time people do the same which you advise not to is out of habit or due to lack of ettiquettes............
From India, New Delhi
Thanks goodness someone is posting something on email etiquette. Everyone is so caught up in texting short cuts they tend to do the same thing in emails. I really appreciate this
manay many thanks

From Canada, Mississauga
Dear Gops Thx for your last post ! Please elaborate more on Email Ethiques. its open my eye ! I started using your tips before sending mail to anyone. Regards kanhaiya Harbin,China
From China, Harbin
I googled "how to write email to an external party" and I got this:
Work Email Tips - Tipskey
Hope that it adds some spice to the information that is already available in this post.

From Ireland
hi all,
could anyone pls help me how to post a new thread? i got below msg when i logged in, but don't know how to post. pls help me. tks!
Hi emily-hr, Our records show that you haven't posted in a long time - it would be great to hear what you have to say about the various issues being raised here. Hope to hear from you on the forum soon. Regards, CHR

From Vietnam, Hai Duong
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