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Dear Seniors ,
I have some queries regarding LOTO pls comment.
1. What is the LOTO provision as per Indians factory act /rule
2. Is there any exemption when required to work frequently during process
3. how to effectively check it's implementation at plant.

From India, Thana
Dear abhay girish,
This will help you:
Section 24 of Factories Act:. Striking gear and devices for cutting off power.—
(3) When a device, which can inadvertently shift from “off” to “on” position, is provided in a factory to cut off power, arrangements shall be provided for locking the device in safe position to prevent accidental starting of the transmission machinery or other machines to which the device is fitted].
(2) In every factory suitable devices for cutting off power in emergencies from running machinery shall be provided and maintained in every workroom: Provided that in respect of factories in operation before the commencement of this Act, the provisions of this sub-section shall apply only to workrooms in which electricity is used as power.

From India, Vapi

Dear Abhay

Let me try to give my inputs on this:

1. What is the LOTO provision as per Indians factory act /rule

The factory act and rules are silent on the requirement for LOTO in particular. Apart from what Mr. Krishan Verma pointed out there is no clause in the entire act and rules. If you needs a citation for the sake of one, that's ok. Or else one can interpret the emergency stop and fuses to fulfil this particular citation.

Its a voluntary thing in India, but mandatory wide OSHA and other international legislations.

In some states the Factory Inspectors wide their inspection reports ask to implement LOTO, then its become mandatory. Or else its voluntary in India.

When we talk about LOTO, Electrical Energy Isolation only coming into the mind. This is what most of the companies in India doing or start doing in the name of LOTO.

They are not all concerned about other sources of energy as like Mechanical, Thermal, hydraulic, Pneumatic, Chemical, etc.

So if you are thinking to implement or improve LOTO system , think in broader perspective and plan accordingly.

2. Is there any exemption when required to work frequently during process

Some of the industries come up with a permit called Avoid Verbal Instructions (AVI), when needs to put LOTO very frequently to do the testing jobs and all. LOTO requires some time and various levels of authorizations. AVI is something which is in written format with less number of authorizations between work executing agency and mainly electrical department to isolate power. Again this site specific things. No regulation to monitor or govern in India.

3. how to effectively check it's implementation at plant.

1. Making a standard/Procedure for LOTO

2. Give training to all based on the standard/procedure.

3. Provide all the resources. Locking devices.

4. Make a self audit checklist for the same.

5. Do the audit based on the checklist.

Hope this helps.

From India
In addition, according to Section 7A of Factories act, (General duties of the occupier.): that says the occupier should take necessary actions such as information, instruction, training and supervision also maintenance or monitoring to ensure the
health and safety of all workers at work.
So, whatever mean you take precaution, the accident should not be happen.

From India, Vapi
Short title and commencement
1. This Act may be cited as the Factories (Amendment) Act 1999 and shall come into operation on such date as the Minister may, by notification in the Gazette, appoint. 23rd November 1999.
New section 24A
5. The Factories Act is amended by inserting, immediately after section 24, the following section:
“Lock-out procedures
24A.—(1) Lock-out procedures shall be established and implemented for the inspection, cleaning, repair or maintenance of any plant, machinery or equipment that, if inadvertently activated or energised, is liable to cause bodily injury to any person.
(2) Every person carrying out any work described in subsection (1) shall be fully instructed on the lock-out procedures for that work before commencing that work.
(3) For the purposes of this section, “lock-out procedures” means a set of procedures —
(a) to ensure that all energy sources to the relevant plant, machinery or equipment will be isolated, disconnected or discharged; and
(b) to prevent any part of the plant, machinery or equipment from being inadvertently activated or energised.”.
for information and reference.....

From India
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