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Good Day All
Can anybody pls help me by giving information on the procedure/ formalities of ESI and EPF registration. Also appreciate additional info in effectivey handling/maintaining the ESI & EPF.
An early help is highly appreciated.
Thanks & Best Regards

From India, Hyderabad
Dear Amber,

These docu required to submit with the performa of coverage for EPF along with list of employees.

form is available at the site EPFO & for esic pls visit ESIC

Essential Document(s) to be submitted (For other than a proprietary concern)

1. A copy of Memorandum and Articles of Association and the certificate of

incorporation issued by the Registrar of Companies, in the case of Public and

Private Ltd. Companies.

2. A copy of partnership deed in the case of partnerships.

3. A copy of Registration certificate issued by the Registrar of Co-operative


4. A copy of Registration certificate issued by Registrar in the case of societies

registered under Societies Registration Act along with a copy of the objects

and Rules of the Society.

5. Partition deeds creating HUF.

6. Any agreement or other legal documents in the case of Association of persons

as defined in the Income Tax Act.

A list of documents which can be submitted as a proof of date of set up :-

(Any one of these documents has to be submitted)

1. First Sales Invoice.

2. Any proof regarding date of trial production.

3. Incorporation Certificate issued by the Registrar of Companies together

with the report of the Managing Director to the Shareholders in the

Annual Report.

4. Commencement of Business Certificate issued by the Registrar of


5. Certificate of Registration issued by the Registrar of Co-operative


6. Certificate of Registration issued under Societies Registration Act.

7. Certificate issued by Reserve Bank of India registering newly set up and

non-banking financial companies.

8. License issued by the Health Authorities.

9. License/permission issued by the Municipal/Corporation Authorities.

10. Permission/approval granted by the appropriate State Govt. Authorities in

the case of Educational Institutions.

11. Certificate issued by the Fire Authorities in the case of establishments

coming under Explosives Act.

12. First assessment order issued by the Sales Tax Authorities.

13. First assessment order issued by the Income Tax Authorities.

14. Certificate issued by the Small Scale Industries authorities registering the


15. Reports/returns to Central Excise authorities.

16. Sanction/connection of power like H.T. connection, L.T. connection etc.

17. Any other Certificate issued by any authority under any law for the time

being in force prior to the commencement of business

activity/manufacturing activity.

The above list is not exhaustive and is only illustrative. Any one

or more of the above documents may be submitted along with your application for

allotment of a Code Number.



From India, New Delhi
Dear Rhaul


Registration of Employers
1.2 Section 2A of the ESI Act states as under:-
2A. Registration of factories and establishments-Every factory or establishment to which this Act applies shall be registered within such time and in such manner as may be specified in the regulations made in this behalf.
1.3. As a follow-up of this provision in the Act, Regulation 10B was inserted in the ESI (General) Regulations, 1950. This regulation states as under: -
10B- Registration of factories or establishments. -
(a) The employer in respect of a factory or establishment to which the Act applies for the first time and to which an Employers’ Code No. is not yet allotted, and the employer in respect of a factory or an establishment to which the Act previously applied but has ceased to apply for the time being, shall furnish to the appropriate R. O. not later than 15 days after the Act becomes applicable, as the case may be, to the factory or establishment, a declaration of registration in writing in form 01(hereinafter referred to as employers’ registration form).

(b) The employer shall be responsible for the correctness of all the particulars and information required to be furnished on the employer’s registration form.
(c) The appropriate Regional Office may direct the employer who fails to comply with the requirements of paragraph (a) of this regulation within the time stated therein, to furnish to that office employer’s registration form duly completed within such further time as may be specified and such employer shall, thereupon, comply with the instructions issued by that office in this behalf.
(d) Upon receipt of the completed employer’s registration form, the appropriate R. O. shall, if satisfied that the factory or the establishment is one to which the Act applies, allot to it an employer’s code number (unless the factory or the establishment has already been allotted an employer’s code number) and shall inform the employer of that number.
(e) The employer shall enter the employer’s code number on all documents prepared or completed by him in connection with the Act, the rules and these regulations and in all correspondence with the appropriate office.


From India, Madras
Thanks Sir for information but can u give me the practical idea for registration of ESI like in above post vipin has sent post for pf registration. Thanks Rahul
From France, Paris
Dear All Friends,
Thanks for the information. But I have got Registration Numbers under PF and ESI Act for a newly established factory establishment I am working for.
I wish to know about the intial procedures and compliance which I am required to do soon after getting registration under PF and ESI for getting employee's individual PF & ESI regn. numbers and I. Cards etc. in order to establish their records with the respective authorities and enable them to avail various benefits.
In short, I need to know the NEXT STEPS after registration.
Your valuable information is greatly appreciated.
With thanks and regards,
Janak Soni

From India, Surat
Dear All friends,
I am requesting to send the PF & ESI eligibility details, i wish to provide this facility to my employees, and i wanted to know the documents details which has to be submitted to them. and also send the website address to proceed further. immediate response will be highly appreciate.
Thanks & Regards,

From India, Bangalore
Dear frendzz....
I'm in urgent need to do INITIAL EPF FILLING for my co. My co. is already registered. However hw to fill the forms like:
1) FORM 9
2) FORM 2R
3) FORM 5A
And also the forms for monthly return
1) FORM 5 & 10
2) FORM 12 A (R)
Plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz rply me ASAP...

From India, Pune
Respected Sir,
My name is lokesh kumar and now i am working in personnel department. please tell me how we can find new ESI and EPF No for a new company. and tell me about all returns of HR department. what is prosidure of edli form 5, 10 & 12a
my email id .
please reply me
your Lokesh Kumar
Ghaziabad (UP)

From India, Delhi
Dear , I am new into HR role, plz. let me know the the statutory compliances like PF, ESI etc and its procedure to filling up. plz. help. thanks and regards santosh
From India, New Delhi
Hi Seniors,
I have joined one of the construction company as HR executive. here we wnat to start PF & ESI policy. as i don't have any idea about this.
plz tell me how to start it & process from starting to end.
Plz do the neddful as its urgent
Thanks in advance

From India, Udaipur
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