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Dear All Kindly do me a favour and provide me the Minimum wage for the pay fixation of Tamil Nadu
From India, Madras
Pls. let me know the minimum basic+dearness allowance fixed for 1. Unskilled 2. Semiskilled 3. Skilled and 4. Highly Skilled by Tamil Nadu Shops & Establishments Act.
Which book will give the perfect details in an understanding simple English?

From India, Madras
Pl. find attached Tamil Nadu Munimum Wages details.
From India, Pune
Attached Files (Download Requires Membership)
File Type: xls Minimum Wages Tamil Nadu.xls (27.5 KB, 9527 views)

Dear Enclosing an excel sheet for TN MInimum Wages effective from April 2008. Thanks & Regards S Ranga Raj
Attached Files (Download Requires Membership)
File Type: xls Min wages TN 08-09.xls (46.5 KB, 2601 views)

Thank you Mr. Rangaraj.
Can you also let me know where to find the actual notification copy???
is there any basis to ascertain who is skilled, highly skilled etc.,? Are there any guidelines available?

From India, Madras
Can anyone tell whether the minimum wages act will apply to ITES ( Computer AMC, Networking, Manpower supply for IT company)?
Secondly Our Salary structure does not contain DA. In this case how to calculate the minimum wages Pls.

From India, Madras
Dear Uploaded the minimum wages in Tamil Nadu FTY 2010-11. Regards S Ranga Raj
Attached Files (Download Requires Membership)
File Type: pdf Minimum_wages_DA_Revision_Chennai_2010-2011[1].pdf (204.2 KB, 927 views)
File Type: xls TN-_Min[1].wage-_Daily_rate_-_Apr-2010_to_Mar-2011.xls (31.5 KB, 844 views)

Dear All Kindly do me a favour and provide me the Minimum wage for the pay fixation of Tamil Nadu effective 01.04.2015 regards raju
From India, Madras
notification of special allowance in maharashtra 5th jan 2017 to 30th jun 2017 in marathi version
From India, Mumbai
Dear Sir, please provide me update minimum wages slab pan india. Thanks Kamlesh
From India, New Delhi
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