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We come under Telengana Shops Act.- Will the Weekly Off or Paid Holiday in between Sick Leave treated as Sick Leave
From India, Kozhikode
If Telengana S & E act states something regarding this, then it will be as per Act. Otherwise, it should be as per leave policy of the organization. Some organizations consider it as sick leave but some are not.

If organization has no leave policy, it has to be made based local practice.

S K Bandyopadhyay ( WB, HOWRAH )
CEO USD HR Solutions
+91 98310 81531

From India, New Delhi
Hi Few inputs ...
>It depends on company policy how the leave policy aligned and agreed.
>If any leave earned by employee should not consider for prefix or suffix as this is an eligibility of such employee. Example: 20working days, 1 EL , six day continuous work 1day rest or declared holidays etc
>Some establishments will not consider declared holidays as leaves which is approved by labor dept like national and festival holidays.
>As a practice other than national or festival holidays, earned leaves, all other leaves may be treated part of leaves like how treat it for ESI or maternity leaves.

From India, Bangalore
The general practice followed in organised sectors, to my knowledge, all intervening (sandwiched) paid holidays, weekly off shall be treated EL/PL & SL leave days. However such weekly off and/or paid holidays, either suffixed or prefixed, shall not be counted as leave days. However this practice is not followed in respect of CL. On the other hand, IF your leave policy stipulates differently, then it can be so.
From India, Bangalore
Sick leave will be continuous, and therefore, in my opinion, the it should cover the holiday/ weekly off day also. The logic is very simple, you can't say that I was sick on Saturday and Monday but I was perfectly well on Sunday. Therefore, unless otherwise provided in the Act, the holiday or weekly off intervening two sick leaves shall be treated as sick leaves.
From India, Kannur
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