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Dear All, One of our employee who has a salary of 35k , is now pregnant, As she is not covered under ESIC, the company will has to pay hefty amount, so is there any possible way out, which can be beneficial to both employee and employer.
From India, Vadodara
Dear Jitty George,
There is no way out.Even if she is not covered in ESIC, it is mandatory to give maternity benefit to that employee.
Please refer Maternity Benefit Act.
Skipping it will not only be unethical but against statutory compliance.

From India, Delhi
Dear Jitty George,
I am surprised at your query. Maternity benefit is called social security and the cost of this social security has to be borne by the employers. You have expressed concern for the payment of maternity benefits to an employee whose salary is Rs 35K per month. Considering current market conditions, this is not at all a great salary.
Since you have asked a question about avoiding payment of maternity benefits to the high salaried woman employees, then the only remedy I find is to not employ high-salaried women at all. Get the work done by those who are covered by the ESI covered employees.
But then the point that you missing here is the value that these high-salaried employees bring to the organisation. They do not execute whatever is being told to them but certainly, bring positive change and also bring forth good suggestions. Since you prefer calculating the cost of maternity benefits, alongside calculate the benefits as well.
Dinesh Divekar

From India, Bangalore

Members will not advice anyone on how to evade law. MBAct has been passed by the Honble Parliament with welfare in mind Suggest that law be followed in letter and spirit
From India, Pune

Mr. Jitty George, You question itself is appalling. You being in HR need to have the welfare of your employees in mind.
Being a mother is a beautiful gift of Nature and a life being born needs to be celebrated. The mother to be needs to be nurtured and given the best possible assistance in bringing her child in this world.
Bearing a child for 9 months is not so easy and hence every employer needs to support the lady mentally , physically and financially. If with all the trouble she takes, she is willing to work till she proceeds on Maternity leave, why should she be denied her dues which are fundamentally protected by law ?
Today Organisations are finding out ways to do a lot of activities for employee engagement. Do think positively and you will have satisfied employees who are worth every penny spent on their welfare.

From India, Mumbai
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