Friends, Can someone please guide me on stipend for ITI electricians, fitter, turners in Maharashtra?
From India, Kalyan
Dear Kumar,
Previously, the minimum rate of stipend per month payable to trade apprentices was as under (a) Rs.2,100 during the first year of training, (b) Rs.2,400 during the second year, (c) Rs.2,800 during the third, and (d) Rs.3,100 during the fourth year.Oct 28, 2015. You've to read this with amendment attached. If at all there is any more amendment issued to raise the stipend I am yet to gain access to. So you have to search for any amendment issued in this regard. However the various provisions of the Act is as available in the attachments/amendments thereto. In addition, there is also Apprentices Rules which text is very lengthy, the same can be viewed in this link.

From India, Bangalore
Attached Files (Download Requires Membership)
File Type: docx THE APPRENTICES ACT.docx (22.1 KB, 139 views)
File Type: pdf ApprenticeAct1961.pdf (150.1 KB, 110 views)
File Type: pdf GSR502Edated16062015Apprenticeship.pdf (1.06 MB, 89 views)
File Type: docx TRADES COVERED UNDER THE APPRENTICES ACT.docx (24.9 KB, 108 views)

W.r.t. the state of Maharashtra, the stipulation passed by the govt. is in this link:
"Payment to apprentices.
13. (1) The employer shall pay to every apprentice during the period of apprenticeship training such stipend at a rate not less than the [prescribed minimum rate, or the rate which was being paid by the employer on 1st January, 1970 to the category of apprentices under which such apprentice falls, whichever is higher,] as may be specified in the contract of apprenticeship and the stipend so specified shall be paid at such intervals and subject to such conditions as may be prescribed.
In section 13, after existing sub-section (1), the following sub-sections shall be inserted w.e.f. a date yet to be notified. - Vide Maharashtra Act No.XVII of 2018
"(1A) The minimum rate of stipend per month payable to trade apprentices who do training for eight hours per day shall be as follows, namely:—
(a) During the first year of training .. Seventy per cent of minimum wages of semi-skilled workers notified by the State.
(b) During the second year of training .. Eighty per cent of minimum wages of semi-skilled workers notified by the State.
(c) During the third year of training .. Ninety per cent of minimum wages of semi-skilled workers notified by the State.
(1B) The trade apprentices who do training for minimum four hours per day, the rate of stipend per month shall be fifty per cent of the rates mentioned in clauses (a), (b) and (c) of sub-section (1A), respectively:
Provided that, in the case where the minimum rate of wage for a trade is not notified by the State, then the miximum of minimum wages of the Scheduled Employment notified by the State for semi-skilled workers shall be taken into account for paying the stipend in respect of that trade:
Provided further that, in the case of trade apprentices referred to in clause (a) of section 6 of the Act, the period of training already undergone by them in a school or other institution recognised by the State Council, shall be taken into account for the purpose of determining the rate of stipend payable."
[(2) An apprentice shall not be paid by his employer on the basis of piece work nor shall he be required to take part in any output bonus or other incentive scheme.] "

From India, Bangalore
Dear All How much amount Eligible reimbursement of stipend to the establishment per member and per month
From India,
Dear all, There are certain amendments to the Apprentices Rules notified by central govt. including revision of stipend payable to apprentices. The relevant notification is attached.
From India, Bangalore
Attached Files (Download Requires Membership)
File Type: pdf The Apprenticeship (Amendment) Rules, 2019 (25.9.2019).pdf (356.0 KB, 68 views)

Dear all, There are certain amendments to the Apprentices Rules notified by central govt. including revision of stipend payable to apprentices. The relevant notification is attached.
From India, Bangalore
Attached Files (Download Requires Membership)
File Type: pdf The Apprenticeship (Amendment) Rules, 2019 (25.9.2019).pdf (356.0 KB, 83 views)

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