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I have joined a company in August 2017. I don't have any negative remarks in my work. Due to severe health issue I stopped working from June 2018 and I have been not a position to communicate to the Hr department and my team about my health. After two months of treatment I got fine and mailed my company about my condition and submitted all medical documents. But I got a reply from Hr team that due to absence to work for two months and no communication my account has been closed and I have been terminated. But I have not been paid during this absence.
When asked for any intimation they have shown me a mail stating the warning which I received when I was under treatment. The company has not provided me with any relieve letter or any experience letter. Now my query is there any possibility rejoin the company?? If so how should i proceed ? I am ready for new recruitment process also. Will the company accept my application for rejoining or will it let me attend the interview. I don't want to leave the company since it is one of the best in the industry. Please answer my queries and suggest me on rejoing.

From India, Secunderabad

If you feel that the company is so very good and you would love join back, what is holding you from discussing the same with the management? It is better you talk to the management and see if they are interested in taking you back either from where you left off or as a fresh employee. As you have worked for less than a year it should not matter much if you want to stay put in this organization. Do not try to ask for relieving letter or final settlement at this stage, you will spoil your chances of getting back into the company.
Also are you sure you can convince the management that you couldn't even communicate to them during your sickness period? Better keep all the records when you talk to them. Good luck.
Thanks and Regards

From India, Hyderabad
Dear ANNONYMOUS + @ ☰,
Even on I am HR professional guy on same think happened on my face. i had fractured my left leg i officially inform to my TOP management but after 2.5 month that management can't even reply me.Also they don't have courtesy to tell How was health and all....
@ANNONYMOUS + @ ☰ Better way Find other opportunity.
Wish You all the Best for future concern.
Take Care Yourself !!.

From India, Pune
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