Women working in both private and public organizations can lodge online complaints of sexual harassment through the SHe-Box portal: http://shebox.nic.in
Women & Child Development, Minister Smt. Maneka Sanjay Gandhi launched a comprehensive #SHe-Box online complaint Management System for working women.
From India, Delhi
Women & Child Development, Minister Smt. Maneka Sanjay Gandhi launched a comprehensive #SHe-Box online complaint Management System for working women.
From India, Delhi
Welcome Move, though much -awaited for such Aggrieved Women who wished they could Complain against Sexual Harassment yet Had no access to a Mechanism which in the First Place was Not created or notified by few unscrupulous Employers on the pretext, as it were, that they were Ignorant about the New Act of 2013 namely Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition & Redressal) Act 2013 Section -19 which spelt out Employers Duties besides otherSections of the said Act of 2013 which categorically hold Every Employer liable to Provide Protection to Women from SH at Workplace and to achieve that create a Safe and Secure Workplace Where No Woman Shall be Subjected to SH by virtue of the Fact / the Constituional Provisiion which Guarantees Fundamental Right to Life with Dignity apart from other related Fundamental Rights
Better Late than Never.
Transformatix Team of Spl Educator have allied with the Cause of Making Every Employer and Employees and others AWARE of this Act of 2013 also through
1. Conducting the Mandatory Programs;
2. Serving as Useful Member (External) of Internal Committees;
3. By providing Documentary Support;
4. By Conducting as Active IC Member, Inquiries into SH Complaints in accordance
with the Principles of Natural Justice as well as the Inquiry Procedures
prescribed by Judiciary for such Internal Inquiries; and last but not the least by
being there for those who seek information, clarity and assistance.
Harsh Sharan
Transformatix P Solutions,

16 Nov 2017
From India, Delhi
Better Late than Never.
Transformatix Team of Spl Educator have allied with the Cause of Making Every Employer and Employees and others AWARE of this Act of 2013 also through
1. Conducting the Mandatory Programs;
2. Serving as Useful Member (External) of Internal Committees;
3. By providing Documentary Support;
4. By Conducting as Active IC Member, Inquiries into SH Complaints in accordance
with the Principles of Natural Justice as well as the Inquiry Procedures
prescribed by Judiciary for such Internal Inquiries; and last but not the least by
being there for those who seek information, clarity and assistance.
Harsh Sharan
Transformatix P Solutions,
16 Nov 2017
From India, Delhi
Postscript to previous Post by Team Transformatix Spl Educators:----
"Any Indecent and Riotus Behavour, An Act of Moral Turpitude and above all Any Act Unworthy of Employment" was already deemed as An Act of Misconduct as defined in the Standing Orders and or the Service Rules, respectively under Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act 1946 and or the Shops & Establishment Acts and the Rules, as the case may be applicable to Industrial Undertaking/Establishments or the Commercial Establishments and as decided by the Supreme Court of India in the Sixties.
In spite of crystal-clear and categorical Provisions/Guidelines, few of us often did less-than-required from us-the Disciplining or Punishing Authority and Associates and were more often than not, somewhat Indifferent or callous, as it were or simply ignorant of them which resulted in UnHelpful Workplace Indiscipline including Harassment of Women. In few instances, the Sexual Harassment Complaint got trivialized, often ignored leaving the Aggrieved Woman Complainant Helpless as well as Hapless.
SHe Portal launched by the Ministry of Women & Child Development, ably spearheaded by Mrs. Meneka Gandhiji shall be BOON for those particularly who were any way deprived of ways & means /Forum to raise their Complaints against S H for the reason they were not made aware of them and in cases some were courageous enough to lodge S H Complaint, the Harasser tendered his Resignation to avert Disciplinary Action for his Acts of Misconduct and for Violating the Fundamental Rights of Women ( Articles 14, 19, 21 etc) guaranteed by Indian Constitution. Less said the better about a bitter past.
The Future is not likely to be the same. Availability of the SHe Portal, an Online Sexual Harassment Complaints Registration Mode/Medium shall serve any Aggrieved Woman, well and the Harasser shall have a bleak prospect of getting Scot-free.
Clarifications or Requests For Assistance, WELCOME.
Harsh Sharan,
Transformatix P Solutions,
From India, Delhi
"Any Indecent and Riotus Behavour, An Act of Moral Turpitude and above all Any Act Unworthy of Employment" was already deemed as An Act of Misconduct as defined in the Standing Orders and or the Service Rules, respectively under Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act 1946 and or the Shops & Establishment Acts and the Rules, as the case may be applicable to Industrial Undertaking/Establishments or the Commercial Establishments and as decided by the Supreme Court of India in the Sixties.
In spite of crystal-clear and categorical Provisions/Guidelines, few of us often did less-than-required from us-the Disciplining or Punishing Authority and Associates and were more often than not, somewhat Indifferent or callous, as it were or simply ignorant of them which resulted in UnHelpful Workplace Indiscipline including Harassment of Women. In few instances, the Sexual Harassment Complaint got trivialized, often ignored leaving the Aggrieved Woman Complainant Helpless as well as Hapless.
SHe Portal launched by the Ministry of Women & Child Development, ably spearheaded by Mrs. Meneka Gandhiji shall be BOON for those particularly who were any way deprived of ways & means /Forum to raise their Complaints against S H for the reason they were not made aware of them and in cases some were courageous enough to lodge S H Complaint, the Harasser tendered his Resignation to avert Disciplinary Action for his Acts of Misconduct and for Violating the Fundamental Rights of Women ( Articles 14, 19, 21 etc) guaranteed by Indian Constitution. Less said the better about a bitter past.
The Future is not likely to be the same. Availability of the SHe Portal, an Online Sexual Harassment Complaints Registration Mode/Medium shall serve any Aggrieved Woman, well and the Harasser shall have a bleak prospect of getting Scot-free.
Clarifications or Requests For Assistance, WELCOME.
Harsh Sharan,
Transformatix P Solutions,
From India, Delhi
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