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Dear All,
I am an intern working at ITC (Human Resource Department), and I have been given a project to design a community engagement activity.
For starters I have visited an NGO (serving leprosy patients), but now I want a guidance on how to proceed further, and what kind of proposal should I forward to the company?
Waiting for your kind help.
Geet Minhas

From India, Dehra Dun
Dear Geet,
Please connect with the CSR Team at ITC. They have their successful programs at the village and sub-urban level. You can plan for the activities which will address the top few concerns to the target group. Raising funds for the medical expenses, is the first thing, that you might come across. However, look for certain infrastructure building or even system support for them.
These initiatives will support the community over a longer duration, than a day's event. Identify leaders with in the company , who can take the initiative further, once your term gets over.
Wish you all the best !

From India, Mumbai
dear geet,,,,,,,

it will be helpful becouse a my friend had also done their internship from itc on the topic of employee engagement,,,,,,,and i am providing the some data and i found the same by my frind,,,,,,,,

Concept of Employee Engagement

It’s all about people…..

Employee engagement is the level of commitment and involvement an employee has towards their organization and its values. It is a positive attitude help by the employees towards the organization and its values.

It is rapidly gaining popularity and importance in the workplace and impacts organizations is many ways.

An engaged employee is aware of business context, and works with colleagues to improve performance with in the job for the benefit of the organization.

The organization must work to develop and nurture engagement, which requires

A two way relationship between employer and employee. Thus Employee engagement is a barometer that determines the association of a person with the organization.

Thus engagement can be defined as:

The extent to which employees commit to something of someone in the organization, and how long they stay as a result of that commitment.

Engagement is the state in which individual are emotionally and intellectually committed say, stay and strive.”

A definition of a fully engaged employee

 Is intellectually and emotionally bound with the organization

 Gives 100 percent

 Feels passionately about its goals and

 Is committed to live by its values.

This employee goes beyond the basic job responsibility to delight the customers and drive the business forward. Moreover, in times of diminishing loyalty, employee engagement is a powerful retention strategy.

Categories of Employee engagement

According to the Gallup the consulting organization there are three different types of people:-

Engaged—“Engaged” employees are builders. They want to know the desired expectations for their role so they can meet and exceed them. They are naturally curious about their company and their place in it. They perform at consistently high levels. They want to use their talents and strengths at work every day. They work with passion and they drive innovation and move their organization forward

Not Engaged—‘Not Engaged” employees tend to concentrate on tasks rather than the goals and outcomes they are expected to accomplish. They want to be told what to do just so they can do it and say they have finished. They focus on accomplishing tasks vs. achieving outcome. Employees who are not-engaged tend to feel their contributions are being overlooked and their potential is not being tapped. They often feel this way because they don’t have productive relationships with their managers or with their coworkers.

Actively Disengages—the “Actively Disengages” employees are the “cave Dwellers.”

They’re “consistently against virtually Everything.” They’re not just unhappy at work, they’re busy acting out their unhappiness. They sow seeds of negativity at every opportunity. Every day, actively disengaged workers undermine what their engaged coworkers accomplish. As workers increasingly rely on each other to generate products and services, the problems and tensions that are fostered by actively disengaged workers can cause great damage to an organization ’s functioning.

Factors Leading to employee Engagement-

Studies have shown that there are some critical factor which lead Employee engagement. Some of them identified are

Feeling valued & involved

Career Development-Opportunities for personal development

Organizations with high levels of engagement provide employees with opportunities to develop their abilities, learn new skills acquire new knowledge and realize their potential. When companies plan for the career paths of the their employees and invest in them in this way their people invest in them.

Leadership-Clarity of company values

Employees need to feel that the core values for which their companies stands are unambiguous and clear.

Leadership-Respectful Treatment of employees

Successful organizations show respect for each employees ’s qualities and contribution-regardless of their job level.

Leadership-Company’s Standards of Ethical Behavior

A company ‘s ethical standards also lead to engagement of an individual


Employees want to be involved in decisions that affect their work. The leaders of high engagement workplaces create a trustful and challenging environment, in which employees are encouraged to dissent from the prevailing orthodoxy and to input and innovate to move the organization forward.


How much employees are prepared to endorse the products and services which their company provides its customers depends largely on their perceptions of the quality of those goods and services. High levels of employees engagement are inextricably linked with high levels of customer engagement.

Equal Opportunities and Fair treatment

The employees engagement levels would be high if their bosses (superiors) provide equal opportunities for growth and advancement to all the employees

Performance appraisal

Fair evaluation of an employees ’s performance is an important criterion for determining the level of employees engagement. The company which follows an appropriate performance appraisal technique (which is transparent and not biased)will have high levels of employees engagement.

Pay and Benefits

The company should have a proper pay system so that the employees are motivated to work in the organization. In order to boost his engagement levels the employees should also be provided with certain benefits and compensations.

Health and safety

Research indicates that the engagement levels are low if the employee does feel secure while working. Therefore every organization should adopt appropriate methods and systems for the health and safety of their employees.

Job satisfaction

Only a satisfied employee can become an engaged employee. Therefore it is very essential for an organization to see to it that the job given to the employee matches his career goals which will make him enjoy his work and he would ultimately be satisfied with his job.


The company should follow the open door policy. There should be both upward and downward communication with the use of appropriate communication channels in the organization. If the employee is given a say in the decision making and has the right to be heard by his boss than the engagement levels are likely to be high.

Family Friendliness

A person’s family life influences his work life. When an employee realizes that the organization is considering his family’s benefits also, he will have an emotional attachment with the organization which leads to engagement.


If the entire organization works together by ;helping each other i.e. all the employees as well as the supervisors co-ordinate well than the employees will be engaged.

Measuring Employees Engagement

Gallup research consistently confirms that engaged work places compared

With least engaged are much more likely to have lower employee turnover, higher than average customer loyalty, above average productivity and earnings. These are all good thing that prove that engaging and involving employees make good business sense and building shareholder value. Negative workplace relationship may be a big part of why so many employees are not engaged with their jobs.

Step I: Listen

The employer must listen to his employees and remember that this is a continuous process. The information employees ’s supply will proved direction. This is the only way to identify their specific concerns. When leaders listen, employees respond by becoming more engaged. This results in increased productivity and employee retention. Engaged employees are much more likely to be satisfied in their positions, remain with the company, be promoted, and strive for higher levels of performance.

Step II: Measure current level of employee engagement

Employee engagement needs to be measured at regular intervals in order to track its contribution to the success of the organization.

Step III:- Identify the problem areas

Identify the problem areas to see which are the exact areas, which lead to disengaged employees

Step IV: Taking action to improve employee engagement by acting upon the problem areas


1.engagement is the primary enabler of successful execution of any business strategy.

2.Engagement is not a short-term initiative.

3.Engagement must be driven from the top.

4.One of the best ways to have highly engaged employees is to hire them!

5.Engagment is all about fit.

6. No one impacts the state of engagement more than an employee’s immediate leader.

7. Measuring engagement and demonstrating its business impact is crucial, but it’s only a small part of winning the battle.

8.Engagement means reaching the heart.


1. Aligning effort with strategy

2. Empowerment

3. Team work/Collaboration

4. Growth and development

5. Support and recognition

How to Keep an Employee Engaged

Engaged workers produce more, make more money for the company, and create emotional engagement and loyal customers. They contribute to good working environments where people are productive, ethical and accountable. They stay with the organization longer and are more committed to quality and growth than are the other two groups of not-engaged and actively disengaged workers. How do they do so?

• Employees have a strong relationship with their manager

• They have clear communication from their manager

• They have a clear path set for focusing on what they do best

• They have strong relationships with their coworkers

• They feel a strong commitment with their coworkers enabling them to take risks and stretch for excellence

Engaged employees tend to get the least amount of focus and attention from managers in part because they are doing what they are needed to do. They set goals, meet and exceed expectations and charge enthusiastically toward the next tough task.

Expectations, Clarification and Measurement

Handling “Not-engaged” Employees

Leadership Action: What employees want a manager to do?

For great manager, the path toward engaging employees and keeping them engaged begins with asking them what they want and what is important in order to be effective in their roles. Here is a summary of what workers responding to the a Gallup survey said they what they want from their managers:

• Focus me

• Know me

• Care about me

• Hear me

• Help me feel proud

• Help me reviews my contributions

• Equip me

• Help me see my value

• Help me grow

• Help me see my importance

• Help me build mutual trust

• Challenge me

And how do you do that?

• Provide feedback and guidance

• Make real time to discuss problems

• Seek ideas and input from everyone

• Provide the resources to solve problems or to do a job well

• Give real recognition and or reward

• Provide opportunities for people to develop their potential

• Keep the pressure to perform and achieve more with less realistic

• Provide opportunities for social interaction

• Train people how to resolve interpersonal conflicts

• Promote joy and appropriate humor within the office

• Be flexible help people to actively balance work and home responsibilities

“great organization achieve sustainable growth and profits because they do what other organizations don’t they maximize the innate, individual talents of their employees to connect with customers. They know that tapping the resources of humans is the only remaining area where significant improvements can-and do-lead to an unlimited source of competitive advantages.”

What drives engagement?

Research shows that committed employees perform better. If we accept that engagement, as many believe is ‘one step up’ from commitment, it is clearly in the organization’s interests to understand the drivers of engagement. However, the strongest driver of all is a sense of feeling valued and involved. This has several key components:

• Involvement in decision making

• The extent to which employees feel able to voice their ideas and managers listen to these views and value employees contributions

• The opportunities employees have to develop their jobs

• The extent to which the organization is concerned for employees health and wellbeing.

A Few activities to be done towards employee engagement

Employees and their families – Family Day Treating employees as a member of the company by giving a day off on their Birthday and anniversaries.

Provide play and Meditation courts for the employees to combat the work stress. Employee of the month or annual awards

Employees kids participating in painting competition

Festival Celebration- Eid Millan Party.

Training Session Self- Management Workshop- Art of Living

Create a culture of fun |& spark at work

Promote & recognize team performance.

Evolve an employee friendly & business focused policies

10 C’s of employee engagement

“How can leaders engage employees heads, hearts, and hands?” by starting to apply the following 10 C’s of employee engagement:

1.Connect: Leaders must show that they value employees. Employee engagement is a direct reflection of how employees feel about their relationship with the boss.

2.Career: Leaders should provide challenging and meaningful work with opportunities for career advancement. Most people want to do new things in their job. For example, do organization provide job rotation for their top talent? Are people assigned stretch goals?

3.Clarity: Leaders must communicate a clear vision. Success in life and organizations is, to a great extent, determined by how clear individuals are about their goals and what they really want to achieve. In sum, employees need to understand what the organization ,s goals are, why they are important and how the goals can best be attained.

4.Convey: Leaders clarify their expectations about employees and provide feedback on their functioning in the organization.

5.Congratulate: exceptional leaders give recognition, and they do so a lot, they coach and convey.

6.Contribute: People want to know that their input matters and that they are contributing to the organization’s success in a meaningful way. In sum, good leaders help people see and feel how they are contributing to the organization‘s success and future.

7. Control: Employees value control over the flow and pace of their jobs and leaders can create opportunities for employees to exercise this control. A feeling of “being in on things,” and of being given opportunities to participate in decision making often reduces stress, it also creates trust and a culture where people want to take ownership of problems and their solutions.

8.Collaborate: Studies show that, when employees work in teams and have the trust and cooperation of their team members, they outperform individuals and teams which lack good relationships. Great leaders are team builders, they create an environment that fosters trust and collaboration.

9. Credibility: Leaders should strive to maintain a company’s reputation and demonstrate high ethical standards.

10. Confidence: Good leaders help create confidence in a company by neing exemplars of high ethical and performance standards.

thanxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx go ahead..............................

From India, Noida
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