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can any one please tell me about this question. i am freasher completed MBA(HR) .in interview they ask 1st question is "why do you choose hr"?. give suggestions to this questions
From India, Bangalore
I too need answer for this question, because i too completed MBA in Hr and this question was asked in the interview panel, i answered to this question, they said its not a exact answer. i tried to answer this question in many ways, but they said this is not a answer at all, so Seniors in Hr field, please guide us to get through in the organisation. please tell us how should we answer to this question.

From India, Madras
Damaya and Narmadha
Me too joined in march 2011 same question was asked to me and i replied that i have chosen HR as my career because i have interest in managing and organizing various events ,and i like interacting with new people.

From India, Kanpur
Thank you Gurupreeti Rajput. Really it will helpfull for us But i too replied this question to one of the reputed organisation. they didnt satisfied with my answer
From India, Madras
It covers almost all.The main functions of Human resource Management are;

Job Design (JD)

Job Analysis

Human Resource Planning (HRP)





Performance Evaluation

Compensation Management

Training and Development

Employee Movements

Welfare Administration

Health and safety Administration

Discipline Administration

Grievance Handling

Labour Relations

Job Design (JD)

JD can be defined as the function of arranging tasks duties and responsibilities in to an organizational unit of work for the purpose of accomplishing a certain objective.

Techniques of JD

Scientific Techniques: This is done by observing past performances.

Job Enlargement: Adding more duties to a job that is related to the current duties of involved (Horizontal Loading)

Job Rotation: Shifting an employee from one job to another periodically.

Job enrichment: Increasing the depth of a job by increasing authority and responsibility for planning

Group Technique: The job ids designed so that a group of individuals can perform it, the job being a collective job.

Job Analysis

This includes the systematic analysis of the job and the characteristics of the desired job holders. The information collected through a Job Analysis is of two forms;

Job Description: Describes the job, its tasks, responsibilities and service conditions of a job.

Job Specification: Describes the requirements of the person for the job, including abilities, educational qualifications, special physical and mental skills, training, experience etc.

Human Resource Planning (HRP)

HRP can be identifies as the strategy forecasting the organizations future requirements for different types of workers, their acquisitions, utilization, improvement, employee cost control, retention and supply to meet these needs.

The HR Planning Process

HRM Planing Process

Factors considered when forecasting future HR requirements.

Demand for the organization’s good/services

Plans goals and objectives

Method of productions

Retirement, transfers, resignations




This is the initial attraction and screening of the supply of prospective Human Resources available to fill a given position/s.

In other words, it is the process of involving the attraction of suitable candidates to vacant positions from both internal and external sources of the organization.



Job posting Advertising

Intranet Job Placement Agencies

Succession plans Internet

Referrals Placement through Colleges and Universities


This is a systematic process of selecting the most appropriate and suitable person to a particular job. In other words, Selection is choosing an individual to hire from all those who have been recruited/ attracted.

Methods of Selection

Application Evaluation: This involves choosing the most appropriate person through evaluating the applications sent by the candidates

Interviews: this is to face a meeting with a member/s of the management. One of te most commonly used methods of selection but it requires careful planning.

Eg: One on one interviews, Panel interviews, Sequence interviews

Tests: this is meaning the candidates for qualities relevant to performing available jobs.

Eg: Knowledge Tests, Aptitude Tests, Practical Tests, IQ Tests.

Background Investigations: this is assessing the appropriateness of an applicant by investigating into his/her family, financial positions, Residential Background, criminal background etc.

Medical Tests: this involves assessing the applicant’s physical fitness for particular jobs.


This is the process of appointing the person selected for a particular job. In this process, letters of appointments will be prepared, employment contracts will be signed and the new employee will be sent in for a probationary period.

(Probationary period: the time period where the newly appointed employee will have to work till he/she is made permanent)


This is concerned with introducing an employee to the company, job and staff in a systematic way. There are two components of induction,

Introducing the employee to the organization and the organization’s culture.

Introducing the employee to his/her job

Performance Evaluation

This is a regular systematic assessment of an employee’s performance in order to review whether his/her performance matches the expected performance levels. Performance evaluations are an analysis of an employee””s recent successes and failures, personal strengths and weaknesses, and suitability for promotion or further training. It is also the judgment of an employee””s performance in a job based on considerations other than productivity alone.

Compensation Management

The main objective of the function is to develop and maintain a good salaried and wages system which is reasonable both internally and externally.

Factors affecting Salaries and Wages

Cost of living

Supply and demand of labor

Government requirements (minimum wage rates)

Competitor wage scales

Trade Union influences

Labor productivity

Training and Development

Training is the process by which the employees are taught skills and given the necessary knowledge to carry out their responsibilities to the required standard. In other words, it is the improvement of the performance to carry out the current job.

Development is concerned with the giving the individual necessary knowledge, skills, attitude and experience to enable an employee to undertake greater and more demanding roles and responsibilities in the future. Development is concerned with the long term prospects of a career succession plan.

Methods of training and development


On the job training

Off the job training


Role playing

Case studies

Employee Movements

The movements of employees take place in three methods,

Promotions: this is the re-assignment of an employee to a higher ranked job in terms of responsibility, respect and salaries. Promotions are usually based on seniority, competency and merit.

Transfers: this is the movement of an employee from one job to another on the same occupational level and at the same level of wage or salary.

Lay off: This is the temporary stoppage or suspension of the service of the employee to various reasons.

Welfare Administration

This refers to all the facilities and comforts given to the employee by the employer apart from wages, salaries and incentives.

Medical facilities

Canteen facilities

Housing facilities

Transport facilities

Recreation facilities

Loan facilities

Educational facilities

Health and safety Administration

This is concerned with maintaining required and reasonable levels of professional Health and safety in the job and its environment. The organization should ensure the employees physical and mental health. The work place should be free of hazards.

Discipline Administration

It is important to control the performance and behavior of the employees according to the rules and regulations of the organization. For this very reason it is important to develop, implement and maintain an appropriate disciplinary system.

Importance of a discipline administration:

To reduce conflicts and confusions

To control the employees in an orderly manner

To ensure employees behavior in accordance with performance standards, rules and regulations of the organization.

Grievance Handling

A grievance can be identified as a situation where the employee is in metal distress, dissatisfies or has a bad attitude, due to a work related unreasonable or unjust situation.

A grievance could take place for various reasons;

Job related reasons

Work services related reasons

Employee management related reasons

Service conditions related reasons

Employee behavior related reasons

Labour Relations

The continues relationship between the labour force and the management. Since labour forces are organized as Trade Unions, it is actually a relationship between Trade union representative and the management. However the Government is also an involved as a third party in order to regulate this relationship by ways of laws.

This relationship is also more commonly known as a tri-partite relationship.

If in case there is a dispute between the employees and the management, the most common way of dispute resolution is through negotiations or Collective Bargaining and when the two parties reach to an agreement it’s known as Collective Agreement.

Collective Bargaining: this can be identified as the negotiation that takes place between the management and the Trade unions during a particular time period regarding labour/Industrial issues.

Collective Agreement: The agreements which the management and the Trade unions get into after a collective Bargain.

From India, Kanpur
what is CTC. what are covered under CTC. what is basic Salary, how it was calculated Regards Damaya
From India, Bangalore
if they ask why u have choose hr as your career,then you tell in this way.......
how your personality is suitable to hr,your interested concepts in hr,and don,t for get that you have to give the answer relating to that present job only.
i think this will useful to you

From India, Kakinada
subject: re interview question i am mba (H.r) fresher before mba i have done degree in hotel management what kind of question may an interviewer ask me please tell shailesh chamola
From India, Jaipur
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