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Hi ,
I resigned from the company and going to join new company.
Currently I am on Notice period with my current Employer.I requested my Project Manager to release me asap and he accepted the request and releasing me 15 days prior to the completion of notice Period.
I want to ask "Do I have to Pay the money to Company for remaing 15 days(not serving the notice period)"
As My HR is saying "You have to pay money for the remaing 15 days and they will deduct it as part of final setllement".
Can I challenge the HR?

From India
As during joining, you might have acknowledged the Standing orders of the organisation whcih says that you have obliged to the norms of the company.
If notice period is 30 days, 15 are served & remaining is to be paid back or else they will process your F&F with the deductions & chances are high in holding back your relieving or service letters.
If rapport is good with process managers, chances exists for waiving the notice period & relieving you early.
Bharath R
Employee Care Division
Cybernet Slash Support

From India, Madras
I am also in the same situation,my HR is telling that since I have not completed notice period so they will not issue relieving letter.
Can any one from HR plz confirm that what can I do in this situation to get my releiving letter.

From India, Mumbai
Have you accepted and acknowledged the agreement that you will confer with the service terms given during your appointment, then obviously you have to abide by what HR says. If not, it can affect your experience certifcates and also for the future references made to this company , by your future employer. This will be recorded in your personal file for any future references.

From India, Kochi
[;1117791]As during joining, you might have acknowledged the Standing orders of the organisation whcih says that you have obliged to the norms of the company.
If notice period is 30 days, 15 are served & remaining is to be paid back or else they will process your F&F with the deductions & chances are high in holding back your relieving or service letters.
If rapport is good with process managers, chances exists for waiving the notice period & relieving you early.
Bharath R
Employee Care Division
Cybernet Slash Supp
Dear Bharah
Thanks for good reply
and I think there is nom legal way for go agaisnt them

From India, New Delhi
Hi All,
The final settlement will be as per your appointment letter (wrt notice period) or the rules governed but until and unelss the HODs ( authorized person ) specifically mentions that the notice period is to be waived off nobody can do any thing hence you have to obtain clerance from the authorised person the amount will be deducted in lieu of notice period.
I have one small doubt - why don't you demand the new employer to reimbuse the notice period at the time of interview which can be very much possible rather than expecting the relaxation from the present employer becuase you know as per the company rules you should pay, instead of requesting or begging the present employer it is better to demand the new employer.
Regards - kameswarao

From India, Hyderabad

Dear avirocks,
You just need to check with the terms which was mentioned in the Appointment Letter. If it is mentioned that you need to pay for not serving the notice period, then you have to do so.
Again you don't need to challenge the HR for these things as you would be in trouble. You should appreciate your PL & HR for accepting your request to relieve you soon. Take things in a factual way. :)

From India, Bangalore
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