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What is social compliance? Has anybody have some information on this. Please tell thanks, (sahil)
From India, Delhi
dear in what respect/purpose you want to know the meaning of social compliance.
because if you ask simply than there are some laws like PF,ESI,maternity,workmen compensation etc these are social security legislation and these should be complied and if you want to know for any other reason pls calrify.
j s malik

From India, Delhi
yes ,that was the reason i was asking this question.they will audit you on following areas.
1 there should be a written policy documentedthat describe social responsiblityof the company especially with regard to child labour,female employees,dicrimination,forced labour ,working hours,compensation,working conditions,health and social facilities,safety,freedom of association and collective bargaining etc.
they will check personnel file of all employees
ultimately they will see whether you are following law of the land and taking care of all the laws.
j s malik

From India, Delhi
May I take this opportunity to request people to pose their questions clearly giving the background to the questions. It's saves a lot of time for us all. For example, had Sahilkukreja posed the question, in the first place, with the additional information sought for, Malikji need not have sent two responses.
Also, it is advisable for people posing questions to do some ground work by searching the web before posting the question. for example, I found this Social compliance Certification, Social Accountability Standard, Social compliance requirements, Factory compliance consultants <link updated to site home> at social compliance audit + international buyers + india - Google Search just using key words from Malikji's response.
Have a nice day.
A retired academic in UK

From United Kingdom
Ohhh Shakil,
I am also hunting for teh same. Anyways...try searching info on SA8000.
Are you talking abt Garment Industry? then you should have a chat with your Quality and Merchandising team and see what the next action step should be.

From India, Madras
Dear sahil,

just an idea...

This social compliance is conducted by foreign buyers normally in Export oriented units (ex:garment exports,food processing,drug exports names like social compliance,SA 8000 & WRAP etc.,) before giving the orders these buyer visit our facilities including all infra & what extend we are complying the labour laws (IF,PF,ESI,payment of wages,min wages etc.,)

ex : lighting,water (250mem water docter),canteen,first aid,fire figthers,caliberation,water potability,noise level,boiler test,gentset installation certificate, standing orders,code of conduct,policies,ppe's & relavant caution boards it goes like it is purly following what act says.

PF,ESI all the employee complied as per act and the relavant periodical forms, returns & Registers etc.,

Salay / wages paying as per act (before 7th <1000mem,10th>1000mem)with relavent registers

minimum waged as per act (as per zone & catagory)

Training needs,calender,effectivenss...

Purly they will check whether we comply our own labour laws.once our facility meets their expectations then they give the certification (authorised supplier) and then their orders.

we had faced few audits in Garment factory.



From India, Kochi
Hi Shakilbiman,
Social Compliance audit is mandatory for all the Garment Manufacturers & Exporters to place Orders by Buyers. Buyers may have their own Compliance Team or they may ask other Third Party Auditors like Intertek, Bureau Veritas, SGS, Level Works etc., to audit on their behalf. Some buyers will ask for informed audits i.e., they will inform the Facility that the audit will take place on such and such a date, some buyers prefer unannounced audits and some audits will take place during the window period notified by the auditing firm. I am working as General Manager, HR, Admin & Compliance so if you have any details you may mail me at . I will be glad to help you.

From India, Bangalore
Dear Sahil,
The word related to human rights in terms of his/her social benefits & check this status is known as social compliance,
Your company is ISO9000:2000 certified,please lets take latest version(ISO9000:2008) for your further improvements,and visit at :: Global Overseas - Home :: Compliance Audit, ISO certification, BFSI Audit, Export, Jem, Jewellery, chemical Industry. for more detials related to your quieries.
Best Regards
Sajid Ansari

From India, Delhi
Social compliance ,
cover health and safety of the employees . in the industries .
there are set of standards depends on the sector . so it covers
child labor,security policies , wages and salaries , allowances , payment structures, safety precautions
in the work stations , basically we have to comply according to the set of rules and regulations . otherwise your factory will be rejected to continue production .

From Indonesia, Jakarta
Dear Sahil I think Manjunat explained very well. I am also into social compliance and work for textile sector foreign buyers. Sould u still have any issue write to me without any hesitation. Arooj
From Pakistan, Lahore
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